
Recurso 2
Recurso 2
E-Justice, LT and Private Law
Recurso 3
Recurso 3
Automated State
Recurso 4
Recurso 4
Algorithmic Bosses

Antonio Aloisi (with Potocka-Sionek Nastazja)

2025, Vandaele K. & Rainone S. (eds.), The Elgar Companion to Regulating Platform Work: Insights from the Food Delivery Sector, Edward Elgar Publishing, 251-269

A Aloisi

2024, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations

M G Martínez Alles

2023, Oxford Business Law Blog

S Sánchez Fernández

2021, Routledge

S Sánchez Fernández & FJ Garcimartín Alférez

2020, Thomas John, Rishi Gulati and Ben Koehler (eds.) Elgar Companion on the HCCH, Edward Elgar, pp. 404-413

S Sánchez Fernández

2019, J.I.B.L.R., 3, pp. 95-104

A Panezi

2022, AI Now Institute, MEDIUM

A Panezi

2021, P. Mexia, F. Pérez Bes (Eds), Artificial Intelligence and The Law, Kluwer

A Panezi

2021, The Future of Opportunity – Perspectives on the Transformation of Legal Services (A Collection of Articles by International Experts, LawIT ed

F de Elizalde

2022, Revue Européenne de Droit de la Consommation, 155-179

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